01763 242344

Year 7 Literacy and numeracy catch up premium

Year 7 Literacy and Numeracy Catch up premium 2018-2019

The literacy and numeracy catch up premium gives schools additional funding to support year 7 who do not achieve the national standard of 100 in reading and maths in their Key Stage 2 Results.

Bassingbourn will be funded £6700 in line with previous years (This figure remains the same now, despite increase of numbers).  This funding is to help these students to ‘catch up’ with their peers during their first year.

The objectives of the funding:

  • To close the gap by providing intensive literacy and numeracy support and raise the attainment of those students entitled to catch up premium
  • To enhance existing provision
  • To identify concerns and target intervention and support to accelerate progress

Number of students for 2018-19

7 students achieved below the national standard of 100 in English

22 students achieved below the national standard of 100 in Maths

13 students achieved below the national standard in both English and Maths

How the school planned to spend the current academic year’s catch up allocation 2018-19 (£6700)

Item Cost Objective Anticipated Impact for 18-19
Small group literacy sessions  


Improve reading ages and access to curriculum 90% to improve reading age by the end of year 7
One to one structured intervention in reading  


Improved knowledge of segmentation, blending, phonemes support in reading 73% of students to make (0.6) progress in year 7 in English
Purchase of readers for catch up literacy lessons  


Students to access materials to support literacy skills required in majority of lessons
Small group Word breaking sessions £845 Improved reading and comprehension skills 92% improve their reading comprehension skills
Intensive small group numeracy sessions  


Accelerate maths progression  

78% of students to improve by 0.6 step in year 7 Maths

One to one structured intervention in numeracy  


Improved basic skills in numeracy
Lunchtime Numeracy club £960 Participation linked to improvement and a “healthier attitude to maths” 60% increased attainment in numeracy
SEN Coordinator time to develop individual action plans for targeted students  


Identification of targeted students and strategies for improvement.  Tracking of progress for these students
Total spend £7085



Review In 2017-18

13 students achieved below the national standard of 100 in English

5 students achieved below the national standard of 100 in Maths

10 students achieved below the national standard in both English and Maths


Impact in 2017-18

82.6% of students having catch up literacy increased their reading age

78.3% of students having catch up literacy improved their spelling age

69.6% of students accessing catch up literacy made 0.6 (2 sub levels) progress in English

80% of students accessing catch up numeracy made 0.6 progress (2 sub levels) in Maths and 20% made 0.3 (1 sub level) progress.

27% of students accessing catch up numeracy reached below level 1.5 by the end of the year.

Numeracy and literacy groups continue into year 8 for students who have not achieved level 1.5 or made satisfactory progress by end of yr 7.

In all year groups there are 6 teaching groups to enable a smaller student to teacher ratio in both Maths and English.


Review in 2018-19

% of students having catch up literacy increased their reading age

% of students having catch up literacy improved their spelling age

% of students accessing catch up literacy made 0.6 (2 sub levels) progress in English

% of students accessing catch up numeracy made 0.6 progress (2 sub levels) in Maths,    % made 0.3 (1 sub level) progress.    % made 0.1 progress.

% of students accessing catch up numeracy reached below level 1.5 by the end of the year.

Numeracy and literacy groups continue into year 8 for students who have not achieved level 1.5 or made satisfactory progress by end of yr 7.

In all year groups there are 6 teaching groups to enable a smaller student to teacher ratio in both Maths and English.

Please also see our Catch Up Premium page  for 2020/21

Bassingbourn Village College

South End, Bassingbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 5NJ

01763 242344
